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An overview of the Pictures made in Kurani-8, the Village of Sara's Parents before the Earthquake.
Sara's Mother: Saras mother, June 11, 2014 and Sara's Brother: Saras brother, June 11, 2014 June 11, 2014 AD
Sara's Father: Saras father, October 27, 2014 October 27, 2014 AD
Tihar 2014: Tihar with brother, October 27, 2014 Tihar with bro Tihar with sister, October 27, 2014
October 2014: Tihar with Sara's mother, October 27, 2014 Tihar with Sara and her bro, October 27, 2014
The stone House: The stone house The stone house with Sara

The Earthquakes of April 25, 2015 ....... and twice again ....... May 12, 2015
The Rubble: the stones of the house the roof came down
and the first temporary Shelter: the first temporary shelter
The new House: the steel living the steel roof the steel house with father
Saras Mother the steel house with weavers the steel house with crop group with all neighbours, November 2015
weaving a Mat as per January 2, 2016.
The economic Situation in Kathmandu is slightly different:
Saras kitchen in Narayantar/Kathmandu: Saras kitchen , the House she rents with her Sister and Niece: the house in Narayan Tar
and Sara as SMSH Student in School-uniform: Sara in school-uniform Sara at school
Some textual Information of Sara's History and Status in 2072 BS (from April 2015 through Saturday February 8, 2025.
...and a Series of Pictures to give an Impression of the Status in the Village Kurani-8 after the Earthquakes...
in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani in Kurani
...Some Pictures to give an Impression of the new Builds in the Village Kurani-8 in September 2017 AD, that is Ashwin 2074 BS...
Newbuild Home of Saras Parents The Kitchen to be...